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PAOK Refuses To Play Olympiacos In Second Leg

Ivan Savvides has stayed true to his original decision and announced that PAOK will not play in the second leg of the Greek Cup Semi-finals. They are scheduled to play Olympiacos in Piraeus on Wednesday.

Savvides was infuriated with the refereeing in the first leg that took place in early March. The match was suspended due to fan violence and PAOK forfeited the game 0-3. After the game, Savvides announced that PAOK would not play in the return leg unless the match was replayed with a foreign referee. He then spoke of the corruption in Greek Soccer and called for the resignation of EPO's president, Giorgios Girtzikis. The Deputy Minister of Sports then suspended the entire competition until last week's agreement with FIFA and EPO. Savvides was not happy with the agreement and believes that it will not change the problems surrounding Greek Soccer. 

After meeting with the coaching staff, captains, and Board of Directors, he announced that PAOK will not play in Wednesday's second leg in Piraeus. Since EPO has not listened to any of PAOK's requests to change, PAOK will not change its original position in playing the second leg. Based on the regulations, if a team does not play in a match for whatsoever reason, that team will be deducted 3 points in next year's SuperLeague.


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