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FIFA set to drop bombshell on EPO

FIFA set to drop bombshell on EPO

This Wednesday’s meeting of FIFA nations’ football Federations looms as highly critical for the Hellenic Football Federation (EPO). This is due to the fact that interventions have been made in the past by FIFA in an attempt to curtail and put an end to various issues plaguing Greek football such as fan violence, organised hooliganism, match fixing, and corruption.

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According to recent reports, Vangelis Grammenos’ administration will be asked to immediately implement a series of measures in a bid to right the wrongs. The head of the FIFA-appointed Monitoring Committee, Herbert Hubel, has found the current measures inadequate and no progress is being made. It should be noted that FIFA appointed this committee in mid-2017 to ensure the oversight of the EPO and Greek football as things had gotten out of hand a long time ago. They are required to provide updates to FIFA every two months.

Fan violence in Greece, most notably, the Super League (top flight) is among the most prevalent in the world. Meanwhile, corruption is rife in the Football League (second tier) as it is considered one of the most corrupt leagues in Europe, where the results of matches are easily susceptible to being manipulated.

FIFA is now set to adopt a hardline stance on the EPO and if the measures that are suggested are not implemented within a short time frame, it is likely a new administration will be appointed to lead the Greek federation. This means Grammenos’ job is on the line.

The first step is enabling Petr Fousek to have increased powers. The former Czech footballer has been working closely with the EPO for several months, acting as an advisor of sorts. Since retirement, he has been working in football administration.

by Nick Tsambouniaris

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