Piempongsant Putting Off-Field Plans into Practice

Piempongsant Putting Off-Field Plans into Practice

Panathinaikos is in desperate need of help in the short-term to avoid the worst case scenario. Piempongsant and his team are working on solutions in the background. It is believed his first action will be to appoint a representative to make the ‘big decisions’, especially in the transition stage. The rush to appoint such a representative is real as the season has ended and there is lots of work to be done.

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The talks with Alafouzos went so well that it is reported that the pair have agreed on the transfer of the shares since Saturday and the numbers are also confirmed. Alafouzos will meet the direct obligations in the interim. The Pan Asia consortium will now talk to Ouzounidis and the playing group in order to determine their intentions. They are already aware of the importance of keeping Ouzounidis but this will not be an easy task as he has stated he wants to leave.

It is clear Avram Grant will have a vital role to play at the new-look Panathinaikos. The former Chelsea manager will be appointed in a senior role to oversee the manager. An economist will also be hired, as will “members of the Panathinaikos family” in administrative positions.

Pini Zahavi will not have a direct relationship with the club but is it well-known he is a close friend of Piempongsant and he will no doubt be key to building the squad moving forward with his vast list of contacts.

The training centre and stadium are at the top of the agenda for Pan Asia, options will be analysed over the summer. No football decisions will be made before the 15th of June due to the fact that a legal inspection will shortly begin and the report will be given before the aforementioned date. This will give both parties until the 30th of June to wrap up the deal.

As for the ‘stadium’ issue, Piempongsant is keen on Votanikos to be the new location. The Thai businessman is wants to make a profit and intends on entering the real estate market in Athens to grow his portfolio. On top of the stadium, he wants to make use of the space where the shopping centre was to be built by building a 7 star hotel overlooking the Acropolis. Total investment in the space would be in the region of 150 million Euro. Talks have allegedly begun with the Alpha Bank.

This grand plan sounds great but things need to be done in the short-term. The current squad needs to be paid its February installments otherwise they would be able to lodge an appeal and remain free which would be catastrophic given the club has no room to move in terms of making new signings due to failing to obtain a licence.

by Nick Tsambouniaris
Image Source: to10.gr
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