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Features of football in Greece: nuances and differences from other countries

Features of football in Greece: nuances and differences from other countries

Greece, home to the legendary Olympic Games, has a long history of sports and healthy lifestyles. The fresh sea air, the abundance of the sun, and the warm climate have boosted the popularity of outdoor activities and the culture of a beautiful body. Antique sculptures and art objects are indisputable confirmation of this fact. Most

Greeks also love gambling, and you can choose a reliable casino at, which contains both old and new gaming platforms. Greece is one of four countries whose athletes have taken part in all modern Olympic Games, from 1896 to the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. This love of sports is caused, among other things, by the character traits of the inhabitants of Hellas - they tend to support each other, rejoice in common successes and share the bitterness of failure.

The development of sports in the ancient period

Historians all over the world agree that the first Olympic Games of antiquity took place in 766 BC. in the vicinity of the settlement of Olympia, located on the territory of the Peloponnese peninsula. At first, the competition took only one day, during which the athletes competed in the championship of 1 stage running (approximately 192 meters). Later, the sports program was supplemented by long jump, metal discus throwing, fist fighting, and chariot racing. Sport in Greece was considered a lot of the elite.

Along with high art, it was revered as a gift from the gods and was in many ways a religious phenomenon. The stadiums were located near temples and places of sacrifice, and all sports competitions ended with the obligatory presentation of rich gifts to the Olympian gods.

Over the next several centuries, the Olympic Games attracted the attention of athletes from all over Greece. The cultural role of the competitions was so significant that at the time of their holding hostilities ceased, and intergeneric feuds passed into the plane of sports. The winners of the competition were considered people of the highest level, they were respected, surrounded by attention and care. In addition to laurel wreaths, they received as a reward precious vessels filled to the brim with sacred olive oil.

After the conquest of Greece by the Roman Empire, the Olympic Games were abolished, as they were considered a sign of respect for the unwanted ancient gods. The world community started talking about the resumption of the Olympic Games in a new format only at the end of the 19th century. In 1896, with the assistance of the French Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the I Olympic Games of our time were held. As a tribute to tradition, it was decided to hold them in the homeland of the competition - in Greece. Athletes from all over the world gladly accepted this decision, and although only athletes from 14 countries were able to take part, the fate of the games was decided positively.

Modern sports in Greece

One of the key areas of Greek sports is football. Both adults and children love to drive the ball on the lawn for pleasure, but Greek football is not so vividly represented in the professional field.

A huge surprise for the fans was the victory of the Greek national team at the European Championship in 2004, when in the final match the team led by Otto Rehhagel won the main cup of the Old Continent. Even before the start of the group selection, the chances of the national team were assessed, at best, as 1 in 80, since for more than 70 years before this team did not even manage to get through the group stage.

Ill-wishers have repeatedly stated that the victory went to the Greeks purely by accident, but even ardent opponents of the Greek national team appreciated the contribution of the German coach Otto Rehhagel, who was able to rally the team and discipline it. After the Portuguese triumph, the popularity of football in Greece has grown markedly. Wanting to become like their idols, children, and youths of the country gather every day for friendly matches and local championships, making their small contribution to the country's sports future. And although significant victories at the interstate level have not yet been observed, youth football makes it possible to redirect the hot southern temperament into a useful channel.

Development prospects

Greece in its modern history has already hosted the Olympic Games of the present three times on its territory. In addition, other competitions of European and world scale are constantly held here. Thanks to the special attention given to the development of sports by the Greek government, the local youth receive a comprehensive development, which helps to maintain the health of the nation.

Given the difficult economic situation in the country, the most popular among the population are those sports that do not require expensive equipment from the players - football and basketball. You just need to assemble your team, pick up the ball, and start the game! Traveling around the cities of Greece, you can everywhere stumble upon noisy companies of young people who, instead of spoiling their health with alcohol and drugs, prefer an active lifestyle. They sincerely rejoice at the victory and do not stop after the loss, sharing the triumph with the rival: such openness arouses sincere admiration and kind envy.

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