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Top 10 Fun Ways To Show Support For Your Team

Top 10 Fun Ways To Show Support For Your Team

Think about your favourite football team. What does it mean to you? Does it instil a sense of community, gathering around the TV (or in the stadium) for every game to see how your team does? Perhaps your team inspires you to get out there on the pitch yourself and build up your fitness or try to emulate your football heroes. Whatever your team means to you, there are a whole host of great ways you can show support, whether your team is local or national. Here are our top 10 fun ways to show support for your team!

1. Buy some official merchandise

If your team is smaller, then they’ll thank you for picking up some official merchandise, which is almost certainly available at a concession stand somewhere on the stadium grounds. Buying a shirt with your favourite player’s name on it (or even with your own name) can contribute towards building up a smaller club’s economy to the point where they might be able to start signing bigger and better players. Strapped for cash? Check out sites like Loans2Go, which can help you to get the money you need to buy a kit, a ball, or a pair of boots with your team’s name on them.

2. Go to games

What could be more fun than the roar of the crowd in your ears at a football game? There’s nothing quite like experiencing football firsthand, so if you can, make sure to get along to some games and show support to your team by being there for them. Depending on your team, of course, season tickets can be prohibitively expensive, so it’s important to make sure that you don’t spend beyond your means. However, a season ticket for a smaller team shouldn’t break the bank.

3. Gather some friends for games at home

If you can’t attend games yourself, then make sure you turn every match into an event at your place (or at your friend’s place, for instance). Grab some friends who also support your team and turn match day into a party. Get some drinks and food in; you could even cook if you’re feeling brave (it has some serious health benefits). Of course, you should be mindful of anyone who’s in the house that doesn’t support your team or isn’t interested in football, but there’s no reason you can’t have some fun.

4. Start a chant

Are you at a football game and looking to make the crowd a little livelier? Why not try starting a chant? Don’t make it anything offensive; there’s nothing that ruins a football game quicker than fans being rowdy and unpleasant. Still, you could start a chant that supports your team in order to try and rile the opponent up, or you could even gently mock the opposing team with a chant. Someone has to start the crowd up, so why shouldn’t it be you, eh?

5. Paint your face (and your kids’ faces)

If your kids are showing an interest in football, and specifically in your team, then you could try applying some face paint or finding someone who will do this for you to get them into the team spirit. Paint their faces with your team’s colours and they’ll feel that much more included in the action; make sure to do so for yourself as well! Nothing says “dedicated fan” quite like adding your team’s colours to your face, and hey, who knows - it could even “intimidate” the opposing team (in a friendly way!).

6. Tailgate

Have you heard of “tailgating”? This is predominantly an American tradition, but it applies to British football games as well. Essentially, tailgating involves a group of fans congregating in the car park before a game and holding a barbeque or some other social event. Hand out some drinks, cook some food, and bring some tunes to get everyone in a partying mood. They’ll be that much more fired up for the game afterwards, and they’ll thank you!

7. Make some creative flags

Before a game, it’s a good idea to make up some flags so that you can hoist them up during the match. You could, of course, just go with your team’s colours or logo, but why not get creative? Add a slogan or a fun joke to your flag so that everyone can see your thoughts. Find some of the most common jokes that are told about the opposing team and add them to the flag as well. There’s nothing wrong with a little friendly competition prior to a game!

8. Donate to your team

This one applies more for smaller teams, like you’ll find at TotalSportsBlog, than it does for larger ones, but if your team is a local one, then they might appreciate a direct donation. This could even help them out more than buying merchandise; simply giving money to the team’s organisation shows that you care and that you’re a devoted fan. Of course, you should only do this if it’s within your means; no team wants you to financially ruin yourself in order to show your support.

9. Take part in discussions around your team

Your team likely has an online forum or discussion board where everyone gathers to talk about them. This is especially true about major Premiership clubs and league teams; they’ll likely have dedicated subreddits, and you’ll probably be able to find a host of standalone forums for them as well. Talking to your fellow fans is a great way to swap tips, talk about strategies, and fantasise about which players you want your team’s manager to recruit for the next season.

10. Play a fantasy football league

This is more a way to get into the spirit of football in general rather than supporting a particular team, but if you haven’t tried it before, you’d be surprised by just how fun it can be. Fantasy football involves starting up a team and recruiting players from all over the footballing world; it doesn’t have to be from the English Premier League, it could be from other countries as well. The aim is to build an unstoppable team based on real-world stats. 

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