Happy New Year from AGONAsport.com!

Happy New Year from AGONAsport.com!

We at AGONAsport.com would like to wish everyone a healthy, happy, and successful 2019! Καλή Χρονιά, Happy New Year, and Χρόνια Πολλά. We have a lot in store and coming to AGONAsport.com this year. Read more details.

2019 will be a great year for AGONAsport with many updates to our site. We are currently working on a website redesign which will bring you a newer, more up to date, and user friendly AGONAsport.com. We will continue to provide Greek sporting news in English for our viewers around the world, which hit over 190,000 people last year. Our site design should be finished in April! Stay tuned for more details.

In addition to a new design, more content will be added to AGONAsport, with many more featured articles and of course, extensive day-to-day reporting across all sports.

We will also include more interactive opportunities for our readers with many exciting things in the making. Currently, our viewers engage on Facebook, but more will be offered in the near future.

We plan to clean up our social media comments section (specifically Facebook) and monitor comments and provocative posts. Comments that serve the purpose to provoke and insult other readers will not be tolerated and will be hidden and/or deleted. In extreme cases, users will be blocked for certain time periods or indefinitely with repeated offenses. We want to create a healthy discussion environment among Greek sporting fans and this will not be ruined by a few, disturbing trolls. We hope our supporters respect this request.

Finally, our TV service through World Greek TV, will also undergo an upgrade. We have moved to a Web Player for Laptop/PC users and away with the complicated VLC player. Also, all Phone/Tablets devices are compatible with the new Web Player but also with two new Apps we are using for the TV service. Our customers will have access to multiple devices based on the package they purchase, allowing fans to view TV on the go, from work, or the comfort of their living room. More details here.

We have a lot in store for 2019 and we hope you all continue to support our efforts in providing Greek sporting news to Greeks all around the world.

As always, thank you for your support.

Your AGONAsport Family