How Might the COVID-19 Impact Sports from a Long-Term Perspective?

How Might the COVID-19 Impact Sports from a Long-Term Perspective?

2020 is certainly set to be a year to remember. As we all know, this is due to the current global pandemic alongside the nationwide lockdowns. 

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Although the sporting community is no stranger to its fair share of strikes and other actions that may serve to curtail a season, it has never witnessed such a profound change of events. Most major competitions have been called off for the near future and may analysts are now beginning to wonder whether any will take place before 2021. When we consider the fact that the Olympics themselves have been called off, it is clear to see why so many questions now abound. Assuming that things will eventually return to some semblance of "normal", what can we expect to witness and why might the digital world actually benefit from the recent COVID-19 outbreak?

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The Effects of Social Distancing

The term "social distancing" has been drilled into our heads for the better part of two months. The chances are just as high that this type of behaviour will stay with us in one form or another until at least the end of 2020. How might this affect future sporting events?

We first need to keep in mind that humans are creatures of habit. If certain practices are adopting for long enough, they will become somewhat automatic. This is why we should not expect to see large gatherings even when the restrictions begin to lift. Attendees are likely to remain rather wary about being in close proximity to strangers and as a result, large venues may struggle to turn a profit. This brings us to an important point. Might digital sports take centre stage in terms of temporarily replacing their real-world counterparts?

The Rise of Real-Time Virtual Sports Portals

The online sporting community has existed since the earliest days of the Internet. From virtual casinos which offer games such as poker and blackjack to platforms able to support extremely realistic virtual reality simulations, a growing number of players have learned to capitalise upon so many choices.

In the same respect, fantasy leagues have also drawn an appreciable amount of fans. Common sports within this genre include football, American football, ice hockey, and baseball. Although these normally enticed players during the off-season, the fact of the matter is that we are currently living through the longest off-season on record. It therefore makes perfect sense that digital sports will become quite popular.

The real question involves whether or not such a paradigm shift may serve to impact real-world sporting events from a long-term point of view. While the answer to this question remains to be seen, fans and players alike should expect to experience a sense of normalcy in the future. It is still clear to see that digital sports venues and websites that host such events are likely to benefit from the current situation. Those who appreciate the options at their disposal can likewise enjoy their favourite sport without ever begin forced to leave the home.


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