Popularity Of National Football League (NFL) in the US

Popularity Of National Football League (NFL) in the US

AGONASPORT SALES: Statistics from TV news check show that NFL viewership during the 2018/19 season averaged 15.8 million per game across all networks, a rise of 5%. The popularity of different sports varies from country to country. For a sport to be considered significant, several factors have to be considered. On top of the list are the players and loyal fans; without them, a sport cannot be celebrated. NFL is popular in the USA, and this is attributed to the following factors.

College Football: The soul of America's Football Obsession

College Football: The soul of America's Football Obsession

AGONASPORT SALES: There is no doubt that football is the most popular sport in America, and while the National Football League (NFL) might feature the glitz and the glamour it’s college football that is truly the heart and soul of the sport. Considered the driving force for helping establish the rules of American football, the college football scene is not exclusive to those who attend college.