Can AI Really Predict Match Outcomes?

Can AI Really Predict Match Outcomes?

Predicting the outcome of a sports event using technology has become increasingly important as the sports betting business and technology have evolved on a large scale. In truth, when it comes to digesting large amounts of data, humans have some limitations.

However, artificial intelligence approaches can help solve this problem. Furthermore, there is a large amount of data to examine in sports.

As a result, it is a wonderful illustration of an AI problem. A summary of notable studies that used various artificial intelligence approaches is presented in this article.

AI Algorithms

Artificial intelligence algorithms are used in a variety of areas of computer science. Pattern recognition, prediction systems, inference, and data analytics are a few examples. 

The last several years have been crucial for machine learning technologies, which have seen an aggressive increase in accuracy. Artificial neural networks can currently surpass humans in many domains.

One area where computers have surpassed humans is predictions. Computers make better predictions that humans for a good reason: they don’t have emotions. Visit site to learn more about computer picks. 

AI Prediction Techniques

The following are some of the AI techniques used to predict the outcomes of sports matches:

Bayesian and Logistic Regression

Thomas Bayes developed a probabilistic prediction model in the 18th century that assumed all characteristics were conditionally independent of the target variable.

The 2008–2009 Spanish football league season was used to forecast Barcelona's outcomes. For each match, they collected 6 psychological variables and 7 non-psychological data and utilized a Bayesian Network. When compared to the 2008-2009 season, this finding was found to be correct in 92 percent of the cases.

Model of a Rating System

Constantinou developed a model that incorporates a rating system and a hybrid Bayesian Network (BN). The rating method creates a rating score that reflects a team's ability in comparison to the other teams in a league. The generated ratings are fed into the BN model to forecast matches.

The dataset included a training dataset with 216.743 match examples from various football leagues throughout the world, as well as a test dataset of 206 match cases.

His method is based on the fact that team ratings are based on recent historical match results, while match projections are based on historical observations that encompass several teams.

In reality, a match prediction between two teams is frequently based on prior outcomes from other teams all around the world.

The Ranked Probability Score

The Ranked Probability Score (RPS) Function was used to determine the predictive accuracy of this model, which quantifies the difference between the cumulative predicted and observed distributions.

With 0.208256 RPS and 99.06 percent relative performance, Constantinou placed second in the worldwide special issue competition Machine Learning for Soccer.

Artificial Neural Networks

Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are composed of interconnected components (neurons) that attempt to emulate a biological neural network by transforming a collection of inputs into the desired output.

In 1996, Purucker was among the first to investigate utilizing ANNs to predict outcomes in sporting events.

He gathered statistics from the National Football League's (NFL) first eight rounds, as well as five features: yards gained, rushing yards gained, turnover margin, time of possession, and betting line odds.


A Multi-Layer-Perceptron (MLP) ANN trained with the backward propagation approach was utilized, and he obtained 61 percent accuracy compared to the domain experts' 72 percent accuracy.

Data from 208 matches from the 2003 season was utilized, and an accuracy of 75% was achieved. The outcomes were compared to the forecasts of eight ESPN sportscasters. On average, domain experts correctly predicted 63 percent of matches.

Igiri et al. gathered data from 110 English Premier League matches played in 2014 and 2015 and fed it into a neural network system. Home and Away goals, Home and Away shots, Home and Away corners, Home and Away Odds, Home and Away attack strength, and others.

They predicted the outcomes of 20 matches played in the 10th and 11th weeks of the 2014/15 English Premier League. The result of using Logistic Regression and optimizing characteristics by weighting was 85 percent accuracy.

Support Vector Machine (SVM)

Vapnik's theory of statistical learning serves as the foundation for this strategy. A separating hyperplane defines the SVM, a discriminative classifier. The method generates an optimum hyperplane from labeled training data, which categorizes fresh samples.


Cao conducted an experiment using four distinct strategies to forecast the outcomes of NBA games. He trained his model using data from five regular NBA seasons and tested it using data from one regular NBA season. 

As a consequence of his findings, he determined that the accuracy of predicting a National Basketball Association match using Bayes was 65.82 percent accurate, 66.67 percent using Neural Networks, 67.22 percent using Support Vector Machines, and 67.82 percent using Simple Logistics.


Tsakonas et al. demonstrated the ability to predict football game winners using the Support Vector Machines model. The model was created and tested using data from the Ukrainian football tournament over ten years.


They employed a standard regression issue as a classification approach for this study: if the predicted value is greater than 0, the visitor team will not win. If the forecasted value is 0, the host team will not win. As input, the algorithm was given 105 training data records and 70 test data records. All data was normalized in the [-1, 1] range before training and testing. 

After 1377 iterations, they had an accuracy of 61.4 percent in their correct predictions on the test set. They concluded that more studies employing hybrid computational intelligence techniques would provide an even higher categorization and prediction rate.


As technology advances, artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly prevalent. With an appropriate data set and a specific approach for a sport's selection, it is possible to forecast the outcome of a sports match with excellent accuracy, even better than domain specialists.

Based on the examination of similar research, a model and feature selection for forecasting soccer results were developed. Furthermore, these strategies may be used to generate money in the betting industry by utilizing science.