Difference Between Game of Chance VS Game of Skill

Difference Between Game of Chance VS Game of Skill

One of the biggest debates among gamblers is whether or not winning a particular game is dependent on skill or chance, and why it is legal to play certain games but illegal to play some others. While it is true that it can be quite difficult at times to differentiate between a game of skill and chance, differences do exist. In this article, we take a deep look at these two terms and highlight their differences.

Game of Skill

A game of skill is determined by a player's mental/physical dexterity, rather than sheer luck. In a skilled game, a player wins based on his capabilities. Skilled players usually know how to implement strategies to their gameplay to win.

Usually, the more experienced a player is, the better their chances of winning a game of skill. This means that a game of skill requires constant practice. Its kind of like a penalty shoot out game, where it takes a lot of skill and experience to score a goal but there is some chance involved as well.

Game of Chance

A game of chance is determined by a randomizer (or random number generator). A random number generator is any hardware or software that can produce a sequence of random numbers. Most web casino games like playing cards, online slots or roulette use software algorithms to generate random data and are all considered games of chance. And you can try your chances on multiple sites and here are the top 5 betting apps in India.

Although chance-based games are largely dependent on luck, a few games like poker also involve some level of skill to succeed. Games of chance are generally easier to play because they require little technical knowledge.

Historical facts prove that chance-based games have existed long before skill-based games. Animal bones, for example, were used in games of chance as far back as 3600 BC. Six-sided dice games have also been traced to the early 2000 BC.

The Debate

Games of chance are illegal in many regions of the world and this has sparked lots of debates among gamblers and legislators. Proponents of legal gambling argue that games of chance almost always require some level of skill in gameplay, therefore, they shouldn't be considered illegal.

It is also worth noting that many scholars have studied probability as it relates to gambling and how a player can tweak certain factors to improve their chances of winning, something many consider a form of skill. 

However, legislators determine if a game is skill-based or one of chance based on who the player's opponent is. Any game that has the player playing against the house is chance-based. But when the player is playing against other opponents, the game is considered a skill-based game. Games that involve strategies and mental skill sets like mathematical knowledge may also be categorized as skill-based, but a game involving lucky numbers is not considered a skill-based game. 

There are certain games, like poker, that are hard to categorize because both skill and luck play some crucial role in the success of a player. Poker games are generally determined by whether or not the player is dealt good cards (which makes it a chance-based game) and the player's ability to bluff (which makes it a skill-based game).

Some online and land-based casino variants of poker have eliminated the 'chance' aspect of the game to make it a skill-based game. Some other variants reveal all 5 cards after they've been dealt, which means the game is determined by the player's ability to make the opponent lay down better cards. 

There have also been arguments around sports betting. Although generally considered skilled-based by many betting experts, sports betting is illegal in many parts of the United States and some other countries. In sports betting, the bettor always bets against the house and has no say on the results of a sports match. It is therefore considered chance-based by many legislators.