Top 10 Daring Predictions For The NBA 2022-23 Season

Top 10 Daring Predictions For The NBA 2022-23 Season

The cutthroat 2021-22 NBA season has finally come to a close. 

And, what an amazing edition of American Basketball it was, right?

The season had everything in my opinion. It was pulsating, gave us chills through nearly each and every game, and… Steph Curry finally claimed his NBA Finals MVP at last.

It took quite a while for the legend, though. But, given how tumultuous the 2021-22 season of the NBA went, it ended quite fittingly, to be honest.

However, bygones are bygones.

I’m not going to talk about the last season in this article. Instead, like you, I’ll also be looking forward to the next edition of the NBA. And, it starts from October 16.

So, in this blog, I’ll become a fortune-teller and make a few bold predictions right off the bat. And, once the season ends, we’ll see how many of them have come true.

Let’s get started, then.

Top 10 Bold NBA Predictions

As advertised before, I’ll be making a few predictions in this write-up regarding the 2022-23 edition of NBA. And, each of these are well-calculated and thought-out. Therefore, if you’re thinking about trying out your betting luck, you might refer to this blog a little.

Apart from that, I’ll also ask you to go through a proper nba betting guide. Hopefully, that’ll provide you with some ideas to ensure your future for the best.

10. Kyle Kuzma Becoming An All-Star, At Last.

Since his debut in the NBA, Kyle Kuzma has been seen as a player with massive potential as well as guile. However, for some reason, he couldn’t reach the heights he was supposed to.

But, it seems like this year is going to be his stepping stone, at last.

I mean, let’s take a look at his history since 2020. During that season, he played a crucial and key part in the Championship run of the Los Angeles Lakers.

However, he didn’t get much respect for how much he did for them. Thus, he decided to join the Washington Wizards and played excellently again.

Now, thanks to Bradley Beal leaving the team, he finally has a chance to become the number 1 for the Wizards. And, if he plays well enough, he might also become an All-Star.

So, let’s wait and watch how the story develops for him.

9. Jordan Poole Winning His 6th Man Of The Year.

Last year, Jordan Poole was excellent for the Warriors as a whole. I mean, I could even go on to say that it was him who helped the squad reach their fourth championship in the last eight.

And, he averaged 38.5% from behind-the-line during the finals of the NBA.

However, what made me fall in love with him was Game 2, when he sank five threes to make his mark in the game. And, there was a Steph Curry-esque half-court buzzer-beater there too.

It was an excellent night for him.

Anyway, you might feel a little worried about his game-time, though. In all honesty, the team of the Warriors is quite beefy and already has two excellent shooters in the squad.

Nonetheless, trust me, this kid is, indeed, the real deal. And, he’s definitely going to win bits and bobs for his hard work and patience. Put my words for it.

8. Oklahoma City Thunders Making The Play-Offs.

Since Chris Paul left them, the Oklahoma City Thunders have looked pretty bad in the NBA. And, that’s not where it ends for them, though.

In addition to the aforementioned, they have also decided to put Shai Gilgeous-Alexander on ice for the last two seasons. And, no one really knows the reason behind it.

However, there’s always a silver-lining to everything.

The City Thunders have seen excellent development from Josh Giddey, and a few of the other youngsters. So, if they play well enough, I think the team could easily reach the play-offs.

However, it still feels like they might need to get a new player or two to make the push. Thus, I’m expecting them to spend a little big this year.

7. Kyrie Irving Joining The Los Angeles Lakers.

When he joined Brooklyn in 2019, most of the Nets fans considered him to be an excellent or a must-have acquisition. However, I got to say - he’s had a disaster of a season there.

And, frankly, releasing him felt like the right thing to do from the Net’s viewpoint.

But, as the reports suggest, I think Kyrie Irving is going to join the Los Angeles Lakers soon. It seems quite inevitable too since his liking for LeBron James.

And, also, the Lakers are going to need an excellent point guard this year. And, that’s what he is going to provide to the team to keep them at the top again.

6. Ja Morant Winning The Regular Season MVP.

Ja Morant took the whole world of NBA by storm last year, producing excellent performance throughout the whole year. And, I suspect that he’ll keep up with his form this year too.


Well, to begin with, he’s extremely agile and, therefore, can cut through almost any state and kind of defence with ease. And, his powerful run will surely make many people rattle too.

And, the best thing about him is that you’ll never see his circus shot coming. His timing and way of executing the same is quite impeccable, TBH.

So, if his team can help him on his path and let him do what he does the best, I’m pretty sure that he’ll win the MVP. He might also run his team to the finals too. Who knows.

5. Kevin Durant Collaborating With The Phoenix Suns.

Like Kyrie Irving, Kevin Durant is also on his way out of the Brooklyn Nets. And, I feel, it’s not really surprising, given how bad he has been for the team from New York.

He seemed quite out of his range during his tenure with the nets. And, to be fair, the team did not perform well as well. So, I’m not going to put all the blame on him.

However, the news is - Durant is leaving and he might join the Phoenix Suns. But, why do I feel so excited about it?

Well, for starters, during his time with the Nets, Durant didn’t get enough support to play the way he plays. And, that’s something he’s going to get with the Suns.

Besides, the way the Suns performed last year, it feels like they’re only one piece away from getting the championship to their home. And, Kevin Durant may take care of it.

4. The Beginning Of LeBron James’ Decline.

You can’t win a game of basketball just by playing with heart. You’ll need the support of your health, fitness, and stamina as well. That’s where LeBron is lacking right now.

James, a legend of the game, has been on the court for quite some time and is 37 years old as of now. So, I don’t think he has the capability to keep with the pace of the game anymore.

I mean, yes, he was decent enough last year. But, I could see the way he ran and made throws - they didn’t look like young LeBron at all. 

So, I feel like we’ll see his decline from this season onwards. In that sense, it’s actually great that Kyrie is joining the Lakers. They’ll certainly need him to support an aging LeBron.

3. Memphis Grizzlies Missing The Playoffs.

The Memphis Grizzlies were excellent last year. And, they’ve been decent since the last few seasons as well. And, all thanks for that goes to Ja Morant, if I’m being honest.

While the team have been decent enough at their very best, Ja Morant has been the one doing almost everything on his own. But, I don’t think he can keep carrying them this season.

The NBA 2022-23 season has already seen some great acquisitions made by a few teams. But the Grizzlies haven’t been included into anything as of yet.

So, it almost feels like they’ll be missing out on the playoffs this season. And, if Morant gets injured unfortunately, I feel like they might get a mid-table finish at the end.

2. A Russell Westbrook Rebound Is Coming.

Russell Westbrook has had one of the worst seasons of his career. He was bought to help the Lakers to the NBA finals. However, they ended up missing out on it entirely.

And, guess who’s been the scapegoat for the same? Russell Westbrook.

But, I feel like the Lakers were a little bit at fault in this aspect as well. In my honest opinion, the team couldn’t get the most out of Westbrook’s game.

And, that’s why they suffered.

However, according to the reports, the 33-year old is looking for a change of scenery during the upcoming season. It seems like going to a well-rounded team can help get to his best. 

Nonetheless, I’m pretty sure, even if he stays at the Lakers, he will certainly take care of his abysmal performance. And, a Westbrook rebound is right at the corner, it seems!

1. The Suns Championing The NBA Season 2022-23.

Although it might seem a little harsh, the Phoenix Suns have been a laughing stock for quite a while for now. For instance, they were eliminated by the Dallas Mavericks in a pretty weird way last season. And, that’s not all, though.

Before that, they were also defeated in the NBA Finals in a devastating fashion, even after the team was up 2-0 against the Bucks. However, let’s follow the silver lining here.

Although the Suns didn’t have the best of the seasons, they did play like contenders in most of the games. And, they seemed like true champions to some extent, too.


Well, the acquisitions of the squad have been excellent this year. And, they have been playing in a pretty gritty manner as a whole too. Honestly, I feel like they are going to win everything this year. And, the only team that can stop them is the Lakers.

Bonus Point - Joel Embiid For The MVP.

Joel Embiid has been quite excellent in the NBA since the past few seasons. And, last season was one of the best campaigns he’s had so far. 

Unfortunately, though, he missed out on last year’s MVP award due to how the 76ers played. But, now, as he’s going to be under the belt of James Harden, you can expect him to go all the way this year. Maybe, he could end up winning the MVP, too.

What Do You Think?

I feel like I have made quite a few predictions already through this article. But, let’s make one more to catch the cake. Apart from Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant, Ben Simmons will also be leaving the squad next season. And, that’s pretty much a given, too.

When he was playing with Philadelphia, he didn’t get enough time to shine through his game in a proper manner. And, the same thing has happened again to him after he joined the Nets.

So, I feel like he’ll be looking for a way out this season from the team. And, I don’t think the Nets are going to replace him anytime soon. It’s quite a loophole they have fallen into.

In any case, that’s going to be all from me for this blog. Hopefully, I could help you as much as you were looking for in this regard. However, if you need any other help or assistance, I’d request you to comment below.

Also, if you want to add something else in the article or want to contradict me, feel free to do so. It’d be an excellent opportunity for me to talk to you and understand your vibe.

Thanks for reading. See you in the next article!