What Are The Different Types Of Tennis Gears

What Are The Different Types Of Tennis Gears

Some historians say that tennis started in France between 1100 to 1200. People played the game in the streets with their palms as their racket. Modern tennis was first played in the 1800s in England with a ball and a simple wood racket. Since then, tennis evolved from being a simple lawn game into one of the sports played in the Olympics.  

Modern tennis can be played in singles. A set of games is only played between 2 opponents or doubles, a set of matches played by 4 players with a team of 2. Tennis has evolved into a versatile game that it can even be played for recreation. This sport requires a lot of coordination, agility, and force whenever you maneuver in all directions to hit the ball back to your opponent’s court; that’s why it’s important to know where to buy the gears that you need. What are the different types of tennis gear? You can read many tips and advice from tennis professionals on www.iptlworld.com, from where you should start as a beginner down to the kinds of equipment you need to have.

Here some of the tennis gears that you may need to start with:

Racket / Racquet

It will help if you start by looking for the best racket in the market. You need to consider the racket’s durability and weight. Remember that this gear receives most of the stress other than your tennis shoes as you swing it back and forth and hit the tennis ball. The size of the racket/racquet varies, too, such as oversize, mid plus, and mid.

1.Tennis Shoes

The pair of shoes you need to look for are specially engineered shoes for tennis. As mentioned above, tennis shoes will be receiving the most stress when you’re playing the sport. Just look at how the players leap, run, and stomp in all directions. The shoes must be able to support your weight and the pressure while playing.

2.Tennis Ball

If you’re starting with tennis, it would be good for you to look for a pressureless type of tennis ball. The pressureless tennis ball can bounce quickly because of the structure of the ball rubber. Otherwise, a pressurized ball is needed for pros and tournaments. These pressurized balls have more compact bounce and spin, but this ball easily loses bounce; that’s why it requires a continuous hit.


Maybe you’re wondering why tennis players wear wristbands. It’s not just for fashion because wristbands can help control the most and sweat from sipping through your hands while playing. Slippery hands won’t help in playing tennis.


Same as wristbands, headbands will absorb sweat from the head or scalp before rolling down to your eyes, which will cause eye irritation and blurred vision.  

You no longer need to go out and shop just for tennis gear. It’s better to learn stuff online first, join online tennis communities, speak to beginners to pros, or reach out to the tennis gear experts online to get insights when shopping for you to start up in tennis.