Who Is the Real Creator of Bitcoin?

Rumours About Bitcoin: Who Created It?

Many people use Bitcoin for online purchases or on sites like Syndicate Casino. However, no one really knows who created this cryptocurrency. In popular culture, the official inventor or creator of this popular cryptocurrency is Satoshi Nakamoto.

Is he really the creator? There are rumours that another man, Craig Wright, created the Bitcoin infrastructure. Craig made claims about it, saying that he is Satoshi Nakamoto. 

Three Possible Creators

Bitcoin got big in 2008. At that time, nobody cared about who created it. When BTC got big, people started looking for the real Satoshi Nakamoto. There are several viable candidates, but then nobody can validate who Satoshi really is.

The three possible candidates for the creator of Bitcoin are:

  • Dorian Nakamoto

  • Craig Wright

  • Nick Szabo

Let us take a look at each rumour!

Dorian Nakamoto

Dorian Nakamoto is an unwilling participant in this issue. He is an intelligent man and holds a degree in physics. He has access to American technology as he participated in a Japanese-American exchange program.

It was in 2014 when his name got dragged into the Bitcoin scene. An article said that he is the man behind this cryptocurrency. According to the writer of the article, it was Dorian himself who said that he no longer had any participation in Bitcoin.

What does this mean? It means that he used to work on it even before BTC exploded into what it is now. However, Dorian vehemently denies his involvement in it. Furthermore, he said that his statement was misinterpreted — that he never was a part of the creation of Bitcoin, to begin with.

Craig Wright

Craig is a computer scientist. He is Australian, and he is one strong contender as far as the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is concerned. However, much of the media denies this. Even experts in the BTC community do not believe that he is the creator of the cryptocurrency. 

The problem stems from his making a claim as the creator of Bitcoin. Naturally, this claim is so huge that the first reaction of people is doubt. Nobody was convinced that he created Bitcoin.

There was a person named Gavin Andersen who said that he corresponded with Satoshi Nakamoto in the early days of Bitcoin. Gavin was the director of the Bitcoin Foundation, and he said he knew the real Satoshi. He even went as far as saying that Craig was the real Satoshi. 

People, however, do not believe this claim. Later on, Gavin retracted his claims. The problem is that Craig could not provide proof that he created Bitcoin. 

There are even folks who claim that Craig embellished his academic credentials. For example, Charles Sturt from the University of Australia said that Craig never received a PhD from the university.

Despite all the backlash, some people believe that Craig is the real deal. After all, he is a computer scientist. Craig also made a claim that apart from Bitcoin, he has worked with more than 120 Australian organizations, including government institutions.

As far as proof goes, BTC experts say that to prove his identity as Satoshi, he should be able to perform transactions using Satoshi’s Bitcoin private key. If he is Satoshi, he should also be able to sign a message using cryptography. Craig failed in doing both. As such, the jury is out — he is not Satoshi. 

Nick Szabo

The last contender is Nick, also a computer scientist. Nick is an avid cryptographer and legal scholar. Yes, he has a law degree, and he is also a computer science expert at the same time. 

As early as 1998, Nick designed a process to create a decentralized currency. He called this invention Bit Gold. The process or technology never saw the light of day. However, many people believed that this invention or project was the precursor to the Bitcoin we know now. 

Because of his background in decentralized finance, the possibility of him being the real Satoshi Nakamoto is more believable than Craig. There are also others who believe that Nick’s writing style is the same as Satoshi’s — that it is the same voice. 

Furthermore, Nick mentioned Car Menger, an Australian economist, which Satoshi also mentioned in his writings. Because of these similarities, people find Nick a much more believable Bitcoin creator.  

So far, Craig is the most viable candidate of all. However, interest in him being the inventor of Bitcoin has waned over the years. Today, he works as a chief scientist at nChain Inc. It is a blockchain company that does research on blockchain technology. 

Word on the grapevine says that Craig uses an email called Satoshi Nakamoto. The thing is that all these are just speculations. No one really knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is, and it is doubtful that we will ever know.